#MediaMonday: New STN Curriculum

Good Morning Everyone,

I realized yesterday that it is four weeks until my seniors graduate. Upon this realization, my heart dropped. How am I going to have enough time to finish everything up? How do I fit in everything left to do in the year?

While a school year ending is sometimes scary or even sorrowful, I always try to wrap up a school year by looking forward to the fresh start the following fall. As I also look at my next year with STN, I am really excited to talk to you about a change coming your way for 2022-23.

As part of what will be offered to our affiliates on the dashboard, it is my privilege to announce that an all new STN curriculum will be released in the fall of 2022! This is incredibly exciting to me, as this has been in the works for a couple years now. We are offering a totally original curriculum, using the framework of STN, that any teacher in our network can use and implement into their classrooms.

While I do not want to give everything away about the new curriculum, I will say that it will be organized into three main Units of Instruction: Broadcast Journalism, Film, and Multimedia. The units will be organized by months and will include components such as example videos, multiple activities and practical assessments, using the STN rubrics and judging sheets to equip teachers with the skills needed to not only teach these skills, but to critique them. Each unit will be divided into 6 months of instruction.

The reason why I am talking to you all about this is twofold:

  1. I'm excited and wanted to tell you.

  2. I wanted to hear what you needed.

All of you have taught this stuff for a while. We have a vast network of teachers who are all amazing at what they do. I wanted to reach out and ask if there was anything that you want to see in the curriculum? I do not want to post a curriculum that goes un-used and any curriculum that doesn't meet the needs of the educators is useless. Therefore, please reach out if you have any suggestions as to what kinds of content you would like to see included. While plans are underway and the curriculum's structure is formed, if there are any support materials or activities that would be helpful, please reach out and I'll do my best to incorporate them into the planning. I cannot promise that all suggestions will be included, but I can promise that each of your suggestions will be heard and considered. While it is my privilege to be a part of this process, the curriculum (in the end) belongs to STN educators.

I want to create a curriculum that is useful and representative of the needs of STN educators, so please reach out and give your $0.02.

Talk to you soon!

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: How to Fail Horribly and Painfully


#MediaMonday: Don't Listen to Anyone