#MediaMonday: Let's Produce!

Good morning everyone,

I'd like to thank everyone who stopped into the In the Industry zoom call on Saturday with Marc Guggenheim! It was a awesome experience with over 100 students and teachers coming together to be inspired by a truly talented professional. This experience reminded me that this is just the sort of connection that we need right now and I am really looking forward to the next one. 

This week's lesson plan came from the discussion with Marc and the process that he described in pitching ideas to get new TV shows off the ground. This lesson plan is self-contained and can be completed by anyone, regardless of whether you attended the ITI or not. 

This Week's Lesson Plan: Let’s Produce! A Day in the Life of a TV Creator

The premise is simple: you are going to lead your students through the process of pitching their own ideas for an original web series (including an optional extension that allows student to shoot their own pilots)!

This lesson follows the same outlined process that was given to students by Mr. Guggenheim for pitching, planning and producing a TV series. It will give students the experience of creating original content, pitching the content in a way that is understandable and simple, outlining a script, writing a quick teleplay and finally, shooting a pilot of their own web series. Please feel free to adapt and change this lesson to the needs of your own classrooms.

Let us know how it goes and I will talk to you all next week.


Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: How to Prepare for Contests