Join us for 3 days of film and broadcast competitions in Springfield, Missouri
November 1-3, 2024
Springfield, Missouri
Missouri State University
$80 per Student - Unlimited contests! Free for Teachers & Chaperones!
2024 Tentative Schedule
** All times are Central time
Contest Descriptions
Pre-Conference Contests
Event Code
Broadcast Journalism Contest
Students will receive a prompt on Wednesday, October 30 and have 76 hours to shoot and edit a broadcast story that relates to the prompt. Up to two entries per school. No limit to the number of students per entry. You can mix and match novice and varsity students for 76 hour contests.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Stories should adhere to journalistic standards and ethics and demonstrate strong shooting, editing, writing, and overall storytelling. All aspects of the story must be shot and edited between the time of contest launch and contest deadline. You may not add music or sound effects in post production. It’s okay if there is music in the nat sound of your b-roll. The reporter should sign off the story with a VO similar to: “For ASB 4-State, this is _________ reporting. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project. All reporting and production work on this project must be completed by students who are registered for 4-State.
Time limit
2 minutes
Event Code
Broadcast Journalism Contest
Students will receive a prompt on Wednesday, October 30 and have 76 hours to complete their podcast.
One entry per school. No limit to number of students per entry. You can mix and match novice and varsity students for 76 hour contests.
Teams MAY choose to submit a video podcast for this event, but audio content is what the judges will be judging first and foremost.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Stories should adhere to journalistic standards and ethics and demonstrate quality recording, sound mixing, and overall storytelling. All aspects of the podcast must be recorded and edited between the time the contest launches and the contest closes. The only exception to this rule is music. You may use music or theme music that has been previously recorded. You must have the rights to any music used in your podcast. All the content on this podcast must be original and not used in any other upload challenge. For example: You can not use the audio of your 76 Broadcast Challenge stories in your podcast. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project. All reporting and production work on this project must be completed by students who are registered for 4-State.
Total Run Time
5 - 6 minutes
Event Code
Filmmaking Contest
Students will receive a filmmaking prompt and have 76 hours to complete their film. Up to two entries per school (Each student may only be on one entry). No limit to number of students per entry. You may mix and match novice and varsity students for 76 hour contests.
Total Run Time
See Prompt
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
All aspects of the film must be shot and edited between the time the prompts are delivered and the time the entry is submitted. Music, sound effects, visual effects, and graphics are allowed if you can show that you have the rights to use the material. Nothing can be shot or edited prior to the contest start. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project. All writing, planning, shooting and editing on this project must be completed by students who are registered for 4-State. You may use non-registered students as talent or music composers.
Event Code
Filmmaking Contest
Optional film contest for teams that arrive early on Friday. Teams will receive a prompt on-site at 4-State at 6PM. Entries are due at 11PM. Up to two entries per school. Each student may only be on one entry. No limit to the number of students per entry. You may mix and match novice and varsity students on the teams.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
All aspects of the film must be shot and edited between the time the prompts are delivered and the time the entry is submitted. Nothing can be shot or edited prior to the contest start. This is the only contest where teachers are considered team members and may participate in any way they choose.
Time Limit
2 minutes
Saturday Morning Contests | 9:30AM - 2:30PM
Event Code
Filmmaking Contest
Teams will receive an inspiration packet and will have until deadline to write, shoot, and edit a short film. Up to 2 teams of up to 7 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
All aspects of the film must be shot and edited between the time the prompts are delivered and the entry is submitted. Nothing can be shot or edited prior to the contest start. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time Limit
See Prompt
Event Code
Varsity: ETP-V
Novice: ETP-N
Broadcast Writing / Editing Contest
Teams will receive raw footage (b-roll and sound bites) and a fact sheet. Teams will write and edit a broadcast story. Up to 2 teams of up to 2 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to write or edit for the team. No one else is allowed to help the team with this contest.
Time Limit
Event Code
Filmmaking Contest
Teams will receive a prompt and will write, shoot, and edit a silent film. This is a novice-only contest. Up to 2 teams of up to 6 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Your film must be completely silent. No music. No dialog. No audio whatsoever. Anyone can be used as actors or extras. No effects of any kind may be used. This means no transitions, no captions, no titles, no slow motion or fast motion. Your editing is cuts-only. You may not make signs to help the plot along. You may use signs you find at your shooting location. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Total Run Time
60 Seconds (plus or minus 2 seconds)
Event Codes
Novice: RR-N
Varsity: RR-V
Broadcast Journalism Contest
Teams will receive prompt and will report “live-to-tape” on a developing story. There is a varsity and novice division of this contest. Up to 2 teams of up to 2 students per teams per division.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
The beginning and end of the final entry may be trimmed but no other editing is allowed. Must be shot with a single camera and a single, unedited take. Teams may try as many takes as they want, but they may only submit one take.
Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Total Run Time
1-2 minutes
Event Code
Broadcast Journalism Contest
Teams will receive a prompt and will record, and edit a podcast interview. Up to 2 teams of up to 2 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Music is allowed. If music is used, you must have the rights to it. This is a journalism contest. Nothing is to be made up, faked, or planned ahead of time. This assignment may be completed on campus. This contest may be recorded offsite with the permission of and under the direction of your teacher. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time Limit
2-4 minutes
Saturday Afternoon Contests | 3:30PM - 9:30PM
Event Code
Broadcast Journalism Contest
Teams will receive an inspiration word and will find, shoot, and edit a broadcast story. Up to 2 teams of up to 4 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Nothing is to be made up, faked, or planned ahead of time. To make this fair for everyone, teams cannot do a story about anyone they have met before the contest. Teams can not do a story on the campus of their own high school. Teams can not do a story about anyone that attends their own high school. This assignment may be completed on the campus of Missouri State University. This contest may be shot offsite with the permission of and under the direction of your teacher. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time limit
See prompt
Event Code
Production Contest
Teams will receive a prompt and will write, shoot, and edit a Public Service Announcement. This is a novice-only contest. Up to 2 teams of up to 4 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Total Run Time
See Prompt
Event Code
Production Contest
Teams will receive a prompt to write, shoot, and edit a short comedic sketch/segment. Up to 2 teams of up to 5 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Total Run Time
See Prompt
Students are reminded to create content that is appropriate for screening in front of an audience of students and teachers. Gratuitous use of profanity, violence, suicide, and/or sexual content may result in disqualification.
Conference officials will not screen any content that crosses the line for a general, student and teacher audience. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Event Codes
Novice: ETS-N
Varsity: ETS-V
Film Editing Contest
Teams will receive raw footage of a film scene and will edit a scene of a film. Up to 2 teams of up to 2 students per team per division.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to edit for the team. No one else is allowed to help the team with this contest.
Time Limit
See Prompt
Event Code
Film Contest
Teams will receive a prompt and demonstrate their lighting and cinematography skills. Up to 2 teams of 2 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Total Run Time
See Prompt
Saturday All Day Contests | 9:30AM - 9:30PM
Event Code
Broadcast Journalism Contest
A solo contest. Students will receive a prompt and will a full day to find, shoot, write, and edit a broadcast story. Up to 3 teams of one student per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teachers may help come up with story ideas but NO ONE else is allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Total Run Time
60-90 seconds
Event Code
Production Contest
Teams will receive a prompt to write, shoot, and edit a movie trailer. This is a novice-only contest. Up to 3 teams of up to 5 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
You may cast anyone at 4-State in your video. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time limit
90 seconds
Sunday Morning Contests | 9AM - 2PM
Event Codes
Broadcast Writing / Performing Contest
Teams will receive wire copy from the day’s news and will have several hours to write, and shoot (live to tape) a news anchor broadcast. Up to 2 teams of up to 4 students per team. There are novice and varsity divisions of this contest.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teams may include as many or as few stories as they wish from the wire copy. The final video may not be edited. The entry must be a live-to-tape, one-shot performance. Teams may attempt the performance as many times as they wish and they may trim the beginning and end of the video clip, but no other editing is allowed. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project. Teleprompters are allowed.
Total Run Time
See Prompt
Event Code
Broadcast Writing / Performing Contest
Teams will receive a prompt from the day’s sports news and will have several hours to create a sports commentary. Up to 4 teams of 1-4 students per team. The judges will prioritize thoughtful content and quality commentary over production value alone.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Only one person can appear on camera for this contest. Music is allowed if you have the rights to it. Graphics are allowed. Teleprompters are allowed. Editing is allowed.
Time Limit
See Prompt
Event Codes
Novice: 5SF-N
Varsity: 5SF-V
Filmmaking Contest
Teams will receive an inspiration packet and will have several hours to write, shoot, and edit a five second film. Up to 3 teams of up to 4 students per team per division. There are novice and varsity divisions of this contest.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Music (non-copyrighted) may be added and effects may be used. Entries that go over 5 seconds by even ONE second will be disqualified. Your 5 second slate does not count against your entry, obviously. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time Limit
5 seconds (10 Seconds with Slate)
Event Code
Production Contest
Teams will receive a song and a prompt and will have several hours to shoot and edit a music video. Up to 2 teams of up to 6 students per team.
Prompts will be accessed via the QR code found on all 4-State IDs.
Submit your final entry in the 4-State Control Room, across the hall from the on-site editing room.
Teams can add up to 10 seconds of non-musical content to help set the stage, or tie up the video. All aspects of the music video must be shot and edited between the time the prompts are delivered and the time the entry is submitted. Nothing can be shot or edited prior to the contest start. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project. Teachers are allowed to advise but are not allowed to operate any production equipment or perform any post-production work on the project.
Time Limit
Length of song + 10 seconds
Event Rules
Contests marked “Novice” are open only to students who have not completed a high school video/film/media course.
Novice students may compete in Varsity contests if they wish.
Contests marked “Varsity” are for students who have completed a high school video / film / media course.
Varsity students may not compete in Novice contests.
In contests with less than ten entries, judges do not have to name five award winners (two HMs, 3rd, 2nd and 1st) as they do in events with 10 or more entries. It is the judges' discretion to decide how many awards are given in the smaller contests.
All contest entries must be edited in the PSU Ballroom at your school’s designated tables. Entries edited off site may be disqualified.
Teams can not shoot any on-site contest on the campus of their own high school. 76 hour contests may be shot anywhere unless otherwise specified in the individual contest rules.
All contests will be able to be completed on the campus of Missouri State University. ASB staff does not require or encourage projects to be shot off-site. Students may shoot/record their projects anywhere they wish (including off-site) under the direction and with the permission of their parents and teacher.
All video entries must begin with 5 seconds of white text on a black screen featuring the following:
School Code (Not School Name)Title of EntryNames of every student on the entry
The 5 second slate will not be counted as part of the work and will not count against the time limit of the piece. Un-slated entries may be disqualified. Audio entries must begin with an audio slate stating the same information listed above.
Name your video file according to the following naming convention:
EventCode_SchoolCode_EntryName.mov (or .mp4)
For example, if your entry is for Earlybird Madness and your school code is “55” and your project is called “Cool Film” you would name your file:
All entries will be uploaded to computers we will provide in the 4-State "Control Room." All entries must be delivered in Quicktime .MOV or .MP4 format (H.264 compression is preferred). The file must be labeled with your school code. Unlabeled uploads may be disqualified and may not be returned to the original owners or schools.
The clock in the big editing room is the official clock. At each deadline, the official timekeeper will close the contest bin and deliver it to the judges. Once the lid on the bin is closed, the contest is irrevocably closed.
Interviews and story subjects are not to be scheduled ahead of on-site contest start times. For example, it is against the rules to schedule an interview or lock in a story a week before the conference. Contests are intended to be impromptu in nature. Stories found to be planned ahead of time may be disqualified.
On-site contests must be created during the event. Any content created beforehand may disqualify an on-site entry. The only exception to this is non-copyrighted music, sound effects, and graphic templates. Entries that include music or content that the student or school does not have the rights or permission to use may be disqualified.
Entries must meet all the criteria of the entered contest (i.e. themes, formats, category, etc.)
Stock footage and stock photography is not allowed in any contest at 4-State.
Students are reminded to create content that is appropriate for screening in front of an audience of students and teachers. Gratuitous use of profanity, violence, suicide, and/or sexual content may result in disqualification.
Conference officials will not screen any content that crosses the line for a general, student and teacher audience.
While ASB allows teachers to advise and teach their students as needed, any teacher seen editing or shooting for their kids may cause that entry to be disqualified.
In other words, during the course of producing a video, teachers can not touch the camera, or the editing software. The only exception to this rule is the Earlybird Madness contest, where teachers can participate in any way they want.
If your students see a teacher shooting or editing, please take a photo and send it to contests@scholasticbroadcasting.com
Students must be able to show proof of permission/license if using copyrighted material such as music, sound effects, and graphic templates in their entries. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
All contest entries must be edited in the PSU Ballroom at your school’s designated tables. Entries edited off site may be disqualified.
The traveling sweepstakes trophy will go to the school that accumulates the most “points” in varsity contests only.
First place is worth 3 points, second is worth 2, and third is worth 1. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by which of the schools that tied in points earned the most first place finishes. If that still results in a tie, the winner will be the school that had the highest finish in Spot Feature. -
All contests at ASB 4-State Conference (including all contest rules and prompts) are being planned and executed without the assistance of, input from, or inside knowledge of any teacher or student attending the conference. While several attending teachers will be helping to plan the logistics of the non-contest parts of the conference, they will in no way be involved in the planning or judging of contests, or the interpretation of contest rules.
Teachers may ask rules questions and clarifications inside the official 4-State GroupMe.
Students are not allowed to ask rules questions. All rules questions must come from teachers.
The Contest Director will answer rules questions as quickly as possible in the GroupMe. The Contest Director is the only person who can clarify rules or answer rule questions.
In the event of unclear or undefined rules, the 4-State Contest Director’s decision will override any published or assumed rules.
2024 Planning
ASB 4-State is open to any high school. For a special invitation, CLICK HERE.
Important Dates
Oct 16: Registration Closes
Oct 16: Submit your final head count, t-shirt sizes and contests.
Oct 30: 76 Hour Prompts will be sent to the teacher email you registered with.
Nov 1: Doors open at the Plaster Student Union at 5 p.m.
Nov 3: Awards Ceremony 6-7:30 p.m.
Enough production equipment (camera, microphones, lights, batteries, tripods, etc.) to facilitate the contests your students have entered.
Enough computers and editing software to facilitate the contests your students have entered. You will need editing equipment Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Enough power strips and extension cords to power computers and charge batteries.
Decorations for your table!
4-State 2024 Venue:
Plaster Student Union
Missouri State University
1110 E Madison St, Springfield, MO 65897
Each school is responsible for securing their own lodging for the weekend. Here are a few lodging options we recommend:
Tru by Hilton: Basic Business Hotel
University Plaza Hotel: Basic Business Hotel
Vandivort: Swanky Downtown Hotel
Culture Boutique Hotel: Very small, artsy hotel above a coffee shop
Drury Inn: Basic Business Hotel
4-State attendees are responsible for their own food while at the event.
To see food options, see this year’s teacher packet.
You will be emailed parking passes. A parking map is available inside the teacher packet.
Wonders of Wildlife Aquarium & Museum
Wonders of Wildlife is offering $12 tickets (normally $45) to 4-State attendees. You must schedule your visit in advance and you must mention you are with ASB 4-State. CLICK HERE to schedule your visit. Allow at least 2 hours for this experience.
Community Calendar
A Calendar of community events happening in Springfield, Missouri can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Teachers will be e-mailed their school code a few days after registration closes.