CTE & Perkins: How It Can Help You With STN

Jennifer Bullock from the Texas CTE office presented all of the information you need to help better advocate for your CTE programs and help you understand how Perkins funding really works. She will discuss the details of how your program is eligible to use Perkins funds to help you with STN membership, contests, and convention travel costs. She will also be available to answer any questions you may have following her presentation.

Can’t attend? The session will be recorded and posted to the STN website immediately following the session. You can also download Jennifer’s presentation below!

3 ways the local uses of funds section in Perkins can assist districts with using funds for CTE student activities other than CTSOs:

SEC. 135. ø20 U.S.C. 2355, Section(b)(5) — LOCAL USES OF FUNDS.
(b) REQUIREMENTS FOR USES OF FUNDS.— Funds made available to eligible recipients under this part shall be used to support career and technical education programs that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective and that—
(5) plan and carry out elements that support the implementation of career and technical education programs and programs of study and that result in increasing student achievement of the local levels of performance established under section 113, which may include—

  • (M) supporting programs and activities that increase access, student engagement, and success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (including computer science and architecture) for students who are members of groups underrepresented in such subject fields;

  • (Q) supporting the integration of arts and design skills, when appropriate, into career and technical education programs and programs of study;

  • (T) other activities to improve career and technical education programs;


Excerpt provided to STN from the U.S. Department of Education in 2015 to clarify its does not “approve” or have a fixed group of CTSOs. The entire Q&A document from the U.S. Department of Education can be found HERE.