#MediaMonday: My American Stories

Good Morning Everyone,

Lately, I found that I have been watching and reading the news more often throughout the day. To be honest, I check on the status of our country and world, more often than not, imagining the worst. While this diligence seems necessary due to the recent developments in Washington, I concluded this week that my behavior was becoming dangerous.

As we all know, good news is about balance, and when a channel or a newspaper will not provide that balance, we must provide it for ourselves in the news outlets that we seek. 

Therefore, my resource idea this week is a website: http://myamericanstories.com.

This website is an up-and-coming project from the legendary news man, Bob Dotson, about incredible Americans doing incredible things. It features news packages with articles that are truly amazing to read and see. 

While we all need to stay informed, we also need to seek hope. Informing one's self on the triumphs of the people in our country and our world only stands to strengthen us as a people and as journalists. I recommend that you all wander around this website and see what it is all about. It seems oddly fitting for the current climate. 

Also, if you'd like to hear more from Bob Dotson (who is going to be a speaker at the STN Virtual Convention), I suggest that you check out the STN Podcast, Say Your Name and Spell It, to hear more from him about this project. 

Talk to you soon,

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: Let the Kids Fight it Out


#MediaMonday: Listening