#MediaMonday: Our Women's History

Good Morning Everyone,

National Women's History Month is drawing to a close and I personally have enjoyed learning more about women's history and media production in preparation for these emails. I know that we have a long way to go toward equality in the media industry, but there are some incredible women who are setting the example for those who follow. 

For my last email of the month, I decided to focus on the Women's History that is being made inside of STN.

Most of us work with incredibly talented young women in our classrooms and I wanted to give us all a chance to brag about them and share their work with one another. 

Have you aired a story that showcases amazing women?

Do you have incredible young women on your staff or in your program that are shooting great films and/or news packages?

Do you have any special projects or videos that demonstrate a person history of women in your community or school?

If your answer is yes to any of those questions, we want to see and celebrate their work. 

This week, there is a special folder in the Drag & Drop Lesson Plans Folder that is titled The Women of STN. If you can, drop your videos that are made by or that showcase amazing women from your communities in this folder. Then, in a few days, let's all look at the folder again and see what everyone else is doing. Share this with your students and show them, during the last few days of Women's History Month, what the future of women's media production looks like. 

We all know that our students embody the future of media production. Let us all take this opportunity to celebrate and support the women in our classrooms as they raise the bar for media production in our country and at STN.

Talk to you soon,

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: Fantasy Academy Awards


#MediaMonday: A Woman of Documentary