#MediaMonday: Seniors

Good Morning Everyone,

This is my last week with my seniors. 

This time of year is always so odd for the students; they are all beginning to understand that high school is just one step in a much larger life to come. 

For some, it's exciting. 

For others, it is sad. 

For teachers, it is the strangest: We have to keep on with the daily routines and grading while students that we have know for four years move on. This is one of the hardest parts about being a media teacher in the sense that you get closer with your students than most teachers have the opportunity. Students that you begin to think of as basically your own children are about to move on and do great, incredible things. 

As we wrap up the year, give yourself opportunities to let those wonderful kids know how proud of them you are and how much you believe in their future. I have tried to write senior letters to my broadcast kids, every year, since I became a media teacher. A simple gesture of gratitude and approval goes a long way during this emotionally trying transition for our kids.

Take this opportunity to celebrate their work, their growth, their achievements, and most of all, your admiration as they finish out their final days as a high schooler. As I have painfully discovered recently, you can never take too many opportunities to tell your students how amazing you think that they are because unfortunately, those opportunities are limited and sometimes lost without warning. 

Thank your kids this week and let them know how proud you are of them and how amazing their futures will be. 

Talk to you soon,

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: Helping Out with College


#MediaMonday: An Inch Below the Surface