#MediaMonday: The Women of Public Radio

Good Morning Everyone, 

Susan Stamberg, longtime NPR reporter, once said "I always thought the difference between men and women was pockets". In 1972, Susan became the first woman to anchor a national nightly news program at National Public Radio. After that, she remained with All Things Considered for 14 years! She truly embodies the ideals of a strong women in media. 

Radio has a long history featuring the extraordinary work of amazing women, so today's lesson in line with National Women's History Month is about the Voice of Perspective.

For this lesson:

Have your students visit this website to see the current women of NPR: 


  • Instruct them to skim the list of journalists featured on the page. 

  • Tell the students to choose one journalist to research. 

  • Have students find a recent story from their chosen journalist and listen to the story independently. 

  • After listening to the story, have the students write for five minutes in response. 

  • Have them address their reactions to the story but also have them discuss how the journalist's voice played a key role in telling the story.

  • Ask the students to share out their responses. 

  • Discuss with the students about how both men and women offer unique perspectives to telling stories and how all voices should be heard to form a comprehensive understanding of any topic. 

I hope you are enjoying the lessons on women and media and look for another one next week. 

Everyone enjoy your Spring Break (whenever that may be) and I will talk to you soon,

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: A Woman of Documentary


#MediaMonday: The Women of Photo