Similar to a bank account, you will be able to deposit any amount you would like at any time and use that amount towards contest payments throughout the year. So instead of you having to go through the red tape of purchase orders for every contest, this will allow you to only do one or two for the whole year!
For example, let's say you plan to enter at least 10 contests this year at $25 per contest. You can deposit that $250 into your STN account and use it as needed for those 10 contests. Now you might be thinking, " I can't just request $250 from my school. I am going to need an invoice showing I am registered in the contests first." We have you covered there too!
Also starting September 15, you will be able to enter any and all contests for the entire year! Yep, that's right! You will now be able to plan your whole year of contests, submit one request to your school and pay upfront for all of it! Need to make a change to a contest? Dropping contests will give you a credit to apply to any other contests you may want to add later on. There are a few exceptions...
There are no refunds once your payment has been received and is in the credit system.
Any remaining balance not used by June 15, 2024 will be donated to STN.
We hope this new system relieves a burden many of you have expressed to us through the surveys and conversations we have had with you over the past few years. Always remember, our purpose is to serve you the best we can and work together to empower the next generation of storytellers.