#MediaMonday: Internships

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope all of you were able to make it to the awesome Inside The Industry that we had on Tuesday with Los Angeles Times Entertainment Assistant Editor, Christina Schoellkopf. She had so many cool things to share from her experiences but one of the biggest takeaways from her experience was the importance of internships. 

When a student is looking to work in the industry, it is often an internship that opens door for their future. Many students, though, do not know where to go or whether they are even qualified to do the job. 

Therefore, Today's lesson plan is: Finding Internships for Your Students.

Internships are everywhere, but they only have the ability to help out students when our students know to apply for them. This lesson is not designed to score your students an internship. This lesson is designed to give your students the ability to see how many internships are out there and to imagine if one might be right for them.

I highly recommend doing this lesson for yourself, as you would not believe how many internships are out there. How cool would it be if we could all start pointing our students toward these opportunities and just watch the futures that we change? I mean, that's why we all teach anyway, right?

If you find any cool internships, don't keep them to yourselves! Share them out on the list serve. 

Talk to you soon,

Josh Cantrell


#MediaMonday: Teacher Talk Hangout


#MediaMonday: Collaboration